Underdeck insulation
The insulation of a roof is just as important as the outer material. Insulation material is important to the longevity of your roofing system and has been used since ages. Over the years, insulation has changed and adapted, but its purpose is the same; keeping heat inside when you need it and outside when you don’t.
Insulating the roof of your building saves you money every year. By controlling the internal building temperature insulation saves the need for energy. Using less energy means you are saving money and protecting the environment by leaving behind a smaller carbon footprint.
Roof Insulation Material
- Fiber Glass Blankets and Boards
- Rockwool Building Roll
- Thermocole
- Puff
- Rockwool Slabs
- Thermal Isolate
- Nitrile Rubber Insulation

Area of Application
- Under the Metal skin Roofing
- Sandwich Panel Insulation Between Metal Sheet
- Under RCC Slabs
Advantages Roof Insulation
- Energy Saving: Due to thermal insulation transfer of heat between inside and outside of the room is restricted. This results in less quantity of energy required for maintaining the desired temperature in the room.
- Thermal Insulation Prevent Heat Transfer, the room remains cooler in summer and warmer in winter than outside. Hence, a room provided with thermal insulation gives comfort both in summer and winter.
- Prevention of thermal stress on roofs. Due to thermal stresses, roof decks tend to crack. These would be reduced to a great extent.
- Generally over-the-deck insulation materials are much lighter than the currently used brickbat coba or concrete, resulting in reduced deadweight on the roof slab.
- Non-Toxic, Environmental friendly solutions.
- Energy saving resulting in reduced costs of
- Running cost of Air-conditioning.
- Capital equipment cost reduction.
- No Heat absorption and subsequent dissipation.
- Can avoid Expansion Joints.
- Temperature drop of 5oC to 10oC depending on outside Temperature.
- Insulation Products are generally fire retardant and hence also give fire safety up to some extent.